Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi 23/24
This is the Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi 23/24.
A unique font is used for the new Tretji kit, different from the one we’ve seen on the Bayern 20-21 Domači and Gostujoči kits.
Nogometni Dresi Prodajo provides this Poceni Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi also known as the Poceni Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi with the option to customize your football kit with the name and number of your favorite player or even your own name.
Please note if you are choosing any patch such as the Bundesliga, European Champions League patch or the Europa League Patch the patches will be stamped onto the shirt. If you don’t want the patch stamping onto the shirt and want it simply putting in with the shirt please contact out help desk. The maximum length of a customized name is 10 characters, the maximum amount of numbers is 2, if you require specialized printing please contact our help desk. Please also note if you put the number beginning with “0” it will automatically be changed to just a single digit unless you contact the site and make special arrangements.
Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi 23/24
> Bayern Munich Tretji Različica za igralce Nogometni dresi 23/24
> Round Neck
> Short sleeves
> breathable technology
> Meshed paneling
> Club crest
> Shirt sponsor
> 100% Polyester
> Machine washable
Levi Wilson (preverjena stranka) –
Tehnologija odvajanja vlage v tej nogometni majici deluje brezhibno, da igralci ostanejo suhi tudi v zelo intenzivnih situacijah.
Seraphina Turner (preverjena stranka) –
Holografski logotip ekipe na prsih dodaja futurističen in vrhunski pridih.